Wednesday 10 September 2008

Marketing Word of the Week

Can someone please remove the word leverage from the English and/or brand management dictionaries? It must be right up there with intangible, in terms of one of the most overused expression I've currently heard my marketing peers use. Anyone got any other pet hate words?


  1. Fuelled by a colleague -- "essentially". Seemed like everything had essential elements to it. But that's as far as it went. Baffled me. A silly padding word people use when they don't know the details only the basic outline.

    posted something similar:

  2. Thanks for the comment.

    Just read your post... nice work. Ugh... essentially what a word. I've always thought clear and concise communication was the best form, so down with the 'padding'!

    I tend to use basically quite a lot though where I could use essentially. Perhaps that is quite patronising to the listener?!

  3. For when you just can't stand it anymore, try this:

  4. Great link Gavin and thanks for the comment.

    I've got another addition to the wanky-words list and it is "moving forwards".

  5. I love meeting bingo! Web Directions also put out on in the goodie bag -- filled with web 2.0 phrases ;)

  6. Yes you may be right: leverage may get overused but it does have a real meaning in finance which marketing has appropriated quite legitimately. I was googling it to use on my word of the week post 'coz I like it!

    I prefer it to synergy. What am I trying to say? Gosh I don't know - perhaps I am trying to leverage some synergy from your post.

    PS 'moving forwards' is my biggest hate also - it is the equivalent of a pseudo-intellectual UM.


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